I still have all the engines from my childhood. They have been retired and now sit on a shelf, but they all still run.

LIONEL 2-4-2 Pre-War (c.1933)
Steam Locomotive #262
& Freight Cars
Given to me in about 1947 by my grandfather

LIONEL 2-4-2 Pre-War (c.1933)
Steam Locomotive #262
& Freight Cars
Given to me in about 1947 by my grandfather.

LIONEL Postwar 2-6-2 Steam Engine #2026 (1948-49 version)
with 6466 Whistle Tender
Our first Postwar engine, given to my brother and me by my uncle in about 1950.

LIONEL Postwar 2-6-2 Steam Engine #2026 (1948-49 version)
with 6466 Whistle Tender
Our second Postwar engine, identical to the first, given to us by my uncle in about 1952.

LIONEL Postwar 2-6-4 Adriatic Steam Engine #2035 (1950-51)
with 6466 Whistle Tender
We called it “Big Moe”;
bought used by my father in about 1957 with 3 passenger cars.

LIONEL Postwar AB Diesel
Boston & Maine #217
Bought by me in 1959.

LIONEL Postwar GP-9 Diesel
Wabash #2339
Bought by me in about 1962.

LIONEL 4-6-2 Steam Engine
Rio Grande #8636 with Tender
A gift from my son and daughter-in-law at Christmas, 2004.

VIDEO: 37 sec